photos by holdemaid
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
False Positive Pregnancy Test Ivf
days outfit Berlin ...
Mayor-burger in Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg
Top H & M, Short COS, COS belt, Bronx
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Concrete One Story Floor Plans
latest discovery from the KaDeWe. Great shoes by FlipFlop the ice design. However, with around 150 € is not just a bargain.
latest discovery from the KaDeWe. Great shoes by FlipFlop the ice design. However, with around 150 € is not just a bargain.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Viper Alarm Nottingham
wrapped up ...
I have finally found my perfect combo switch caps. Both of COS. Jacket, Zara, Topshop bag, shoes Bronx.
How Long Will A 3.7 400mah Battey Last
Friday, November 19, 2010
Poptropica Funbrain Maths
Christmas birthday wish list ...
Christmas and my birthday is soon at the door. Because you can never start early enough to put together his name. The first piece of the puzzle is this Mäc dar. Brush With only 56 € a real bargain. Because last year I can only give me the makeup brush right in the picture for only 50 €. Online, the set is already sold out, the KaDeWe I've seen before but which ...
image via MAEC
Christmas and my birthday is soon at the door. Because you can never start early enough to put together his name. The first piece of the puzzle is this Mäc dar. Brush With only 56 € a real bargain. Because last year I can only give me the makeup brush right in the picture for only 50 €. Online, the set is already sold out, the KaDeWe I've seen before but which ...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Rash With Hodgkins Lymphoma
Berlin, Berlin, we're going to Berlin ...
photos via we heart it
Tomorrow we go ... three days in Berlin ...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Myasore Malige Blue Film
biker boots ...

For months, I envy my friend Johanna to her Marc Jacobs boots. Now I finally have found an adequate replacement. The gems are of SPM (99,95 €) and have beaten my choice in the Bufallo Boots and H & M version.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Learnhow To Masterbate
Dortmund: Museum for Art and Cultural History
In the inner city of one of the greatest shopping streets
found throughout NRW. Business forms part of the business and shopping enthusiasts just before the wife is shopping madness. But where to flee? Who offers the erring a quiet refuge to escape the crowds wild and sediment. Churches are certainly not this bad, but usually too cold for longer stays. For us, art lovers, there is fortunately another wonderful opportunity.
Museum. Fortunately, a few steps from the shopping rush is just the Museum for Art and Cultural History
. Man enters and behold, rest. Finally. A few of the ladies employed there to talk softly. That's it. Otherwise, almost no visitors. Just the typical image of a museum that does not belong to the known contact points such as the National Galleries in Berlin, picture galleries in Munich and the Ludwig Forum in Cologne. With creative program such as birthdays, weddings and similar attempts to 'lure' to other target groups to the museum.
curls I had nobody. My desire was more simple way, namely, once the small but fine collection of paintings of the 19th be considered th century. This time, equipped with camera and tripod. Unfortunately a little too small tripod. Close-ups were therefore not possible. But better than nothing.
stingy The homepage of the museum's incomprehensible to me, with pictures of their collection. It is true that the various departments are mentioned but not emphasized with the taste of the original inspiring photos. In the text, almost in passing are a few names (Friedrich, Clorinthes, Slevogt) above, but only two meager pictures on the website (see
here) to find.
It has yet to offer the museum a lot more than the famous Caspar David Friedrich and the triumvirate of German Impressionism (Clorinthes, Liebermann and Slevogt) with their eyes mostly for my half-baked sketches.
Namely academic champion of the front row:
Balthasar Denner (1685-1749)
I would like to start with an illegal parking. Someone who has sneaked through the back door and into the collection was left to chance there. Balthasar Denner. The master is in fact over a hundred years before 19 Century born. Denner was in his time a very popular painter. Why is obvious. His attention to detail the frames also work for more than 200 years, vivid and incredibly fascinating. His specialty was probably the representation of older women drawn from life. Just as pictured here.
A very similar painting (
link) located for example in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Premium quality plays Dortmund picture (not my photo, because it is not so over) almost in the same league.
Hasenpflug Carl (1802-1858)
When I saw this picture first, I thought it would be a Lessing
. This abandoned monastery with his winter landscape is yet to have been typical of Lessing. But it comes from another contemporary of the first half of the 19th Century. Carl Hasenpflug. This was especially known for his architectural painting, but was, as Wikipedia tells converted by the acquaintance with perhaps the greatest German painters living at that time to romantic themes. By precisely those Carl Friedrich Lessing. Fortunately, I would argue. Because otherwise this little masterpiece would not have arisen.
Anton von Werner (1843-1915)
From grandmaster from Berlin to see two images. A small, simple study of a housemaid and a gift for his wife conceived their oldest paintings (I think out in any case, from memory) daughter. has a maid in the garden (study) (1898) oil on cardboard
Anton von Werner (1843-1915) we say today) the painted clothes and put a little more detail the face.
Nothing he had ever thought to Issue as independent image, but what we as museum visitors appreciate that.
Have the perfect gift is painted on his wife. Although intended only for private use, it shows great talent.
The melancholy-looking daughter (unusual, one expects more of a 'superficial' laughing girls), with the half-open book in one's face on the other hand resting seems deep in thought.
For the rippling brook or the bright Foliage seems to have no eye. Your thoughts are lost just in a different world. Do we leave them there in peace and to withdraw quietly one step to admire the image in detail.
Fantastic feeling for color displays by Werner here coupled with material tangibility. The moss on the stones has still quite wet and the foam of the downwardly flowing water seems to run out of the picture.
This is high art, more than just an 'ordinary impressionistic' picture, but not everything that has most to offer some nice colors.
Arthur Kampf (1864-1950)
place next door is a remarkable painting of Kaiser Wilhelm I (Wilhelm I on the catafalque by 1888 - oil on canvas). Time not painted by Anton von Werner, but by Arthur fight. As the painter is still less than 70 years passed away, I can not reproduce it here, unfortunately. In any case, power circulates a slightly different version of this painting by struggle (see, for example
here), he seems to have painted in several versions.
Lenbach Franz von (1836-1904)
Of course Lenbach may no image in a collection of known masters of the 19th century are missing. Dortmund has to offer a big picture of Bismarck Lenbach hand. In a portrait of the face is usually Lenbach the attraction. So here. Bismarck sits tired and worn out in his chair. He looks exhausted and sick. The eyes look to a questioning why one bothers him in his sleep. The photo is blurry, unfortunately, is easy and the picture is not quite fair.
Gotthardt Kuehl (1850-1915)
One of the few 'problem 'Images of the Dortmund collection is the painting of the Dresden painter Gotthardt Kuehl. Fled from the looks of Bismarck, I'm entered into this pawn shop, where borrow desperate, mostly older women have their last possessions. This issue was mainly in the middle of the 19th Century often overlooked. One of the most famous painter of such scenes was Carl Wilhelm Hübner
. Kuehl scene is less Stage and a total prison alive than as Huebner about 30 years prior to this work - the Silesian weavers in 1844.
Dielitz Konrad (1845-1933)
About the Berlin Dielitz very little information is available on the net. He must have been a popular portrait painter, who is also completely contrary to the field of historical devoted, mythological world. In the Dortmund Museum I have seen his picture accidentally. Did the collection already left, I saw bright lights in an exhibition floor area of the 19 Century, his image of women as Hilton hanging fixture. I hope this picture provides an idea of the reasonably high quality of the painting.
Anselm Feuerbach (1829-1880)
From Feuerbach to me noticed two paintings.
The portrait of his Nanna I have already in book scan shown in another report
. Here, then, as a separate Photo with frame.
The other is a very beautiful head study from his Paris period. Fascinating to see how successful the black hair of the woman is painted. painted with a few 'easy' marks and a little white and gray glitter on the appropriate places and the hair looks very real and live Championship.
Makart (1840-1884)
The Viennese artist Prince is also in the honor of Dortmund. Not with his typical work, but with a fantasy architecture, which he painted a year before his untimely death. This architectural image is a composite of four pictures belonging, which Makart drew no specific reason.
According Ausstellungsplakete were
shown here, impressive elevation is estimated 4 meters wide (sorry no size specified in Dortmund on the accompanying plaques) and covers an entire wall side. Sometimes there is the signature show in the picture.
I have not seen many colored architectural drawings, but these should be of quality 1A. The counterparts are ready to believe I see
Walter Leistikow (1865-1908)
The surprise of this exhibition is for me the painting by Leistikow. Normally I like, as mentioned many times before, especially not Impressionists. I hope mostly that the painter sometimes not, like Adolf Menzel (oh yeah, there is a picture of him with barely noticeable, almost black content - is probably only for the statistics that he is also represented in Dortmund, to be issued) put it, was too lazy
, but finished the first impression on. Just as the above painting by Anton von Werner.
One of the few 'impressionist' pictures (and I have from all known Impressionist pictures seen live and in color), in which nothing is missing me, this painting by Leistikow.
The bright white (the picture is too dark), applied grobspachtlig sky is the attraction of this picture. He shines even from a far distance to the image and puts on a magic. Sent are more whites spread over the image and give it a harmonious impression, which is rounded off by the intense dark green lawn.
Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910)
last in my opinion the best image of the whole collection. It is directed by the division of space into a new area and feels suddenly in a raw, lined landscape of majestic mountains of Scandinavia added. The range is still fog. No sign of civilization for miles around. Only two birds of prey appear to be at home in this inhospitable region.
I was directly inspired by the paintings and slightly surprised to read that it was of Andreas Achenbach. Not surprised because of the quality, but because of size. I had, so far only seen small paintings Achenbach, this is the first monumental picture, I guess 2 by 3 feet tall. Of fine details such as the icicles at the bottom of the big rock, the different colors of autumn
up to the fantastic painted fog of background, this painting everything one can expect only from a pure landscape.
A masterpiece of the then only 23 years old Andreas Achenbach.
In the inner city of one of the greatest shopping streets
found throughout NRW. Business forms part of the business and shopping enthusiasts just before the wife is shopping madness. But where to flee? Who offers the erring a quiet refuge to escape the crowds wild and sediment. Churches are certainly not this bad, but usually too cold for longer stays. For us, art lovers, there is fortunately another wonderful opportunity.
Museum. Fortunately, a few steps from the shopping rush is just the Museum for Art and Cultural History
. Man enters and behold, rest. Finally. A few of the ladies employed there to talk softly. That's it. Otherwise, almost no visitors. Just the typical image of a museum that does not belong to the known contact points such as the National Galleries in Berlin, picture galleries in Munich and the Ludwig Forum in Cologne. With creative program such as birthdays, weddings and similar attempts to 'lure' to other target groups to the museum.
curls I had nobody. My desire was more simple way, namely, once the small but fine collection of paintings of the 19th be considered th century. This time, equipped with camera and tripod. Unfortunately a little too small tripod. Close-ups were therefore not possible. But better than nothing.
stingy The homepage of the museum's incomprehensible to me, with pictures of their collection. It is true that the various departments are mentioned but not emphasized with the taste of the original inspiring photos. In the text, almost in passing are a few names (Friedrich, Clorinthes, Slevogt) above, but only two meager pictures on the website (see
here) to find.
It has yet to offer the museum a lot more than the famous Caspar David Friedrich and the triumvirate of German Impressionism (Clorinthes, Liebermann and Slevogt) with their eyes mostly for my half-baked sketches.
Namely academic champion of the front row:
Balthasar Denner (1685-1749)
I would like to start with an illegal parking. Someone who has sneaked through the back door and into the collection was left to chance there. Balthasar Denner. The master is in fact over a hundred years before 19 Century born. Denner was in his time a very popular painter. Why is obvious. His attention to detail the frames also work for more than 200 years, vivid and incredibly fascinating. His specialty was probably the representation of older women drawn from life. Just as pictured here.
A very similar painting (
link) located for example in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Premium quality plays Dortmund picture (not my photo, because it is not so over) almost in the same league.
Hasenpflug Carl (1802-1858)
When I saw this picture first, I thought it would be a Lessing
. This abandoned monastery with his winter landscape is yet to have been typical of Lessing. But it comes from another contemporary of the first half of the 19th Century. Carl Hasenpflug. This was especially known for his architectural painting, but was, as Wikipedia tells converted by the acquaintance with perhaps the greatest German painters living at that time to romantic themes. By precisely those Carl Friedrich Lessing. Fortunately, I would argue. Because otherwise this little masterpiece would not have arisen.
Anton von Werner (1843-1915)
From grandmaster from Berlin to see two images. A small, simple study of a housemaid and a gift for his wife conceived their oldest paintings (I think out in any case, from memory) daughter. has a maid in the garden (study) (1898) oil on cardboard
Anton von Werner (1843-1915) we say today) the painted clothes and put a little more detail the face.
Nothing he had ever thought to Issue as independent image, but what we as museum visitors appreciate that.
Have the perfect gift is painted on his wife. Although intended only for private use, it shows great talent.
The melancholy-looking daughter (unusual, one expects more of a 'superficial' laughing girls), with the half-open book in one's face on the other hand resting seems deep in thought.
For the rippling brook or the bright Foliage seems to have no eye. Your thoughts are lost just in a different world. Do we leave them there in peace and to withdraw quietly one step to admire the image in detail.
Fantastic feeling for color displays by Werner here coupled with material tangibility. The moss on the stones has still quite wet and the foam of the downwardly flowing water seems to run out of the picture.
This is high art, more than just an 'ordinary impressionistic' picture, but not everything that has most to offer some nice colors.
Arthur Kampf (1864-1950)
place next door is a remarkable painting of Kaiser Wilhelm I (Wilhelm I on the catafalque by 1888 - oil on canvas). Time not painted by Anton von Werner, but by Arthur fight. As the painter is still less than 70 years passed away, I can not reproduce it here, unfortunately. In any case, power circulates a slightly different version of this painting by struggle (see, for example
here), he seems to have painted in several versions.
Lenbach Franz von (1836-1904)
Of course Lenbach may no image in a collection of known masters of the 19th century are missing. Dortmund has to offer a big picture of Bismarck Lenbach hand. In a portrait of the face is usually Lenbach the attraction. So here. Bismarck sits tired and worn out in his chair. He looks exhausted and sick. The eyes look to a questioning why one bothers him in his sleep. The photo is blurry, unfortunately, is easy and the picture is not quite fair.
Gotthardt Kuehl (1850-1915)
One of the few 'problem 'Images of the Dortmund collection is the painting of the Dresden painter Gotthardt Kuehl. Fled from the looks of Bismarck, I'm entered into this pawn shop, where borrow desperate, mostly older women have their last possessions. This issue was mainly in the middle of the 19th Century often overlooked. One of the most famous painter of such scenes was Carl Wilhelm Hübner
. Kuehl scene is less Stage and a total prison alive than as Huebner about 30 years prior to this work - the Silesian weavers in 1844.
Dielitz Konrad (1845-1933)
About the Berlin Dielitz very little information is available on the net. He must have been a popular portrait painter, who is also completely contrary to the field of historical devoted, mythological world. In the Dortmund Museum I have seen his picture accidentally. Did the collection already left, I saw bright lights in an exhibition floor area of the 19 Century, his image of women as Hilton hanging fixture. I hope this picture provides an idea of the reasonably high quality of the painting.
Anselm Feuerbach (1829-1880)
From Feuerbach to me noticed two paintings.
The portrait of his Nanna I have already in book scan shown in another report
. Here, then, as a separate Photo with frame.
The other is a very beautiful head study from his Paris period. Fascinating to see how successful the black hair of the woman is painted. painted with a few 'easy' marks and a little white and gray glitter on the appropriate places and the hair looks very real and live Championship.
Makart (1840-1884)
The Viennese artist Prince is also in the honor of Dortmund. Not with his typical work, but with a fantasy architecture, which he painted a year before his untimely death. This architectural image is a composite of four pictures belonging, which Makart drew no specific reason.
According Ausstellungsplakete were
The designs were together in 1883 at the Paris Salon and issued the same year in the Munich Glass Palace.
shown here, impressive elevation is estimated 4 meters wide (sorry no size specified in Dortmund on the accompanying plaques) and covers an entire wall side. Sometimes there is the signature show in the picture.
I have not seen many colored architectural drawings, but these should be of quality 1A. The counterparts are ready to believe I see
Walter Leistikow (1865-1908)
The surprise of this exhibition is for me the painting by Leistikow. Normally I like, as mentioned many times before, especially not Impressionists. I hope mostly that the painter sometimes not, like Adolf Menzel (oh yeah, there is a picture of him with barely noticeable, almost black content - is probably only for the statistics that he is also represented in Dortmund, to be issued) put it, was too lazy
, but finished the first impression on. Just as the above painting by Anton von Werner.
One of the few 'impressionist' pictures (and I have from all known Impressionist pictures seen live and in color), in which nothing is missing me, this painting by Leistikow.
The bright white (the picture is too dark), applied grobspachtlig sky is the attraction of this picture. He shines even from a far distance to the image and puts on a magic. Sent are more whites spread over the image and give it a harmonious impression, which is rounded off by the intense dark green lawn.
Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910)
last in my opinion the best image of the whole collection. It is directed by the division of space into a new area and feels suddenly in a raw, lined landscape of majestic mountains of Scandinavia added. The range is still fog. No sign of civilization for miles around. Only two birds of prey appear to be at home in this inhospitable region.
I was directly inspired by the paintings and slightly surprised to read that it was of Andreas Achenbach. Not surprised because of the quality, but because of size. I had, so far only seen small paintings Achenbach, this is the first monumental picture, I guess 2 by 3 feet tall. Of fine details such as the icicles at the bottom of the big rock, the different colors of autumn
up to the fantastic painted fog of background, this painting everything one can expect only from a pure landscape.
A masterpiece of the then only 23 years old Andreas Achenbach.
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