No fear of bearded Romans
In the German Internet space there is almost no page that is not influenced by modern views do with the true masters of the art of the 19th Century employed. This problem have non-English readers. One of the most recommended Blog is certainly
. There is often little-known academic artists and their stories are presented. Always written in a way that elicits the deserved respect for the work and performance of this masterpiece. Here, not a dry collection of facts can be found, but an easy-to-read, knowledgeable description of the time.
Something for bean counters
Only a report that deals with Adolph Menzel
, I have to correct what bean counters, as there are to spread over the main actors interesting gossip.
Menzel's career will be accurately described, only its reference to France is distorted. Thus, his friendship with Ernest Meissonier
and the regular visits of the French capital is highlighted. It seems almost as if a life-long contact between the two would have been. However, this was not the case. In France, Menzel was only three times in the major exhibitions in 1855, 1867 and 1868 in Paris. And the term friendship in terms of Meissonier somewhat strained badly. Maybe I translated it wrong and the author also said more of a friendship. Whatever the However, we can talk once the facts.
Little Giants
In the second half of the 19th Century, Meissonier said not just anyone, but the highest paid artists worldwide. Admired by his colleagues, his name was, whenever comparisons queuing in a big scale. Its smaller counterpart
in German-speaking was Adolph Menzel. And here is small, determined the right word. For both, both Menzel and Meissonier could hardly look over a table edge higher. Menzel was just 1.40 in size and the Frenchman also measured not so much more and was sometimes derisively as 'a right gnome' is defined.
Both have been described by outsiders, they did not know more logical than grim, cold, and cautiously enjoying contemporaries. After meeting in person it looked then often no longer quite so bad.
However, there were also differences.
Menzel was considered a master of drawing, lithographs, gouache and what I do not know everything, but his oil paintings and color was partly controversial. Meissonier was without question the king of small-scale, meticulously detailed oil painting.
Meissonier was married, had two daughters (as I recall having read recently), and spent much time on sports. Swimming, fencing and horseback riding were his metier. All things that had all of his art living unmarried Menzel no eye and no time.
The two young men were, however, in the art world giants. And in the realm of dwarfs to giants can not ignore the long term. Little wonder then that their paths crossed.
Meissonier was a perfectionist. As Menzel. Meissonier was known for his paintings not only describe an event just a past time, but to the smallest detail of the costume historical circumstances try to do justice. For the quick shots of our time is the course pedantic unnecessary bells and whistles, but for the viewer interested in history, this is an additional bonus, which can draw the eye to the smallest triviality and the image still makes admirable.
From the sewing box
met two painters together for the first time in 1862. This and the following 1867 meeting wonderfully described by Paul Meyer
home that gives us a look behind the scenes of the two painters. Meyer's home was himself a master of the brush. However, due to the devotion of the greatest expressionist amateurs who hardly draw a straight line with ended his loving, entertaining works of art almost forgotten. Too bad.
any case, he describes some funny characteristics of the two artists. Menzel's an original from the particular variety was, is known to me. But was Meissonier also an odd bird, I do not know.
battle with incorrect output
Meissonier planned 1862 picture of 'Napoleon ' Battle of Leipzig . He traveled to Berlin, so stock up there with the old uniforms. He then wanted to travel to Leipzig to attend a military training at the original locations. Nothing unusual for its time, just like for example in the report to Anton von Werner
can read. The specialty, however, that was a bit naive, according to Meyer, home of the Frenchman and only found in Berlin, that the French had
the Battle of Leipzig really not actually won. first powerful touch
You just can not know everything and not even such a minor issue.
one knew but Meissonier. Namely,that he, if he does not Meissonier would like would be Menzel.
If the praise is not then I do not know. But how did the whole Menzel?
To anticipate, not quite as euphoric. But it has, despite all his life full respect for the artistic Work of the famous Frenchman.
Such was the first meeting between the two artists in 1862 in Berlin Meissoniers visit quite bizarre. Menzel hated the French language and they hardly dominated, and so was their conversation,
when nobody was willing to interpretation, usually in that one the other knocked on the back. more brazen plagiarism
Menzel had at this time are never perfect picture Fried the Great rich with his generals before the battle of Leuthen
on the easel. should have looked at a picture that Meissonier admiration.

Adolph Menzel - Frederick the Great and his generals before the battle of Leuthen (unfinished) Oil on canvas
And, as Meyer suggests home, not only considered, but also made our own. Because just arrived from Berlin at home, Meissonier began with its world famous paintings, Napolean on the retreat in 1814
showing perhaps not coincidentally parallels to Menzel's work.
the crushed incoherent and snow cover can be seen passing by in the distance almost exclusively silhouette against the gray sky the army. Front, are wrapped in thick coats, shivering with faces ...
There was much speculation as to why his Menzel Leuthen image never completed. The explanation of Meyer's home was simple:
The real reason, however, so it was not completed, is probably the one that prematurely 'inspired' Meissonier had all the punch lines of this picture to paint but his best picture. Intimate Kisses
your next meeting at the World Exhibition of 1867 was again a not very ordinary. Knocking back as when they first encounter was the past, Meissonier rushed this time, when he saw the little Adolph up to him, hugged him and kissed him fiercely, respect, on the earlobes. That's right, ear. Strange for us naive Central Europeans of the 21st century, but perhaps normal for that time. Who knows ...
The reason for the intimate welcome in any case a fine. For Meissonier Menzel congratulated for the just announced Grand Prix award at the Annunciation. Menzel, however, had noticed (and its companion Meyerheim either) nothing at all in the loud, hectic bustle of the event.
Hochkirch His image had been honored and should be awarded a medal to him, no, he knew nothing of it. Arduous persuasion Meissoniers was necessary to Menzel to convince his luck:
When I realized the thing was really Meissonier in front of me to tell me that everything was correct that he was the Minister that I really get the big order and that we should eat dinner with him. Secret differences
think you (said Menzel), I'm knocking still in deep sleep, as it violently on my door and I wake up, recollect that I am in Paris , take up all my French, and ask: qui est la (who is there)?
answer came out: Monsieur Meissonier, and I, half asleep, and answer, ce n'est pas ici (he is not here).
quite as harmonious as it is thought this evening was not yet lost.
reported to Meyer's home of an incident, examined in the still unfinished Menzel Napoleon image and after prolonged viewing, during which Meissonier impatient the benefits praised his own image, Menzel Napoleon's arm with the pointed hat and said,added the Kaiser. From this drawing, Meissonier was thrilled. had in his other studio ponder Meissonier a smaller picture on the range and after some Menzel proposed an amendment to the French right, in the presence of his sister and also invited Painter Ricard
"This is probably not ready yet?" Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit (what he said) whispered to me Meissonier, I tried to translate the words in a mild form.
The end of the difficult conversation was that Menzel hinz custody marked on a piece of paper how the arm had to be in the hat, and even with a few strokes
implementation. And it is this scene Menzel had a few years later held in a small oil painting, which is shown below.
That was it but then also the lover of interest. Suggestive, but not go into details, writes Meyer Home:
The further course of the day was less amusing. Many good hair was not left to the famous contemporaries. last meeting
the last time they met in the framework of Menzel Visiting the great Paris Exposition of 1868. On that occasion he received as a gift from Meissonier a photograph of the painting "Man at the Window" (as below picture is meant), which has its honorable place to place Menzel Studio Wall.
consequences of war
Since the outbreak of the Franco-German War of 1870 avoided Meissonier any contact with German artists and so there was no further meeting of these two great painter about. The sting, which had left the German invaders in France, was sitting at Meissonier too low:
No German since the war has set foot in my house and will do in the future.
Order tab and filling Fink
The respect was still there, but sounds a little jab in the following along.
So it was a pleasure Menzel, that he had a French award higher than Meissonier. And Meissonier is critical prophecy about the value of Menzel's gross spatula term, impressionistic oil paintings
Gentlemen, wait it off quietly, I think all of us here will be Menzel once the only one who retains his heinous oil painting right. Man thanks!