Monday, January 12, 2009

How Low Should A Cervix Be


When you come to Göttingen must be this sausage stand (at the end of Str.nähe Fußgangsterzone Groner) tested strictly. This sausage turning specialists understand your craft and cook over an open grill!
Since the decades - even for diehard vegetarians stop shop for sausage fans of good taste! (butcher Robert Summer)

Wilson's Disease Spleen

'm back;)

Hallöchen people
I'm back ready to support this blog and more.
Despite my little dyslexia, I will write here a lot now, when time permits. It will not be leaving Abi-drivel, but, what am currently interested in, and hopefully you move led to comments. Not today, immediately, and every day, but then when I have time to do it. Am pleased to soon LUMPI